Success Stories

Severe chronic otitis

Dog with heavy chronic otitis caused by Pseudomonas
Left: before treatment, right: after treatment for 2 weeks with kINPen®VET
(2 treatments per week)

Source: Prof. Dr. R. S. Müller, Medizinische Kleintierklinik, LMU München

Heavy fungal infection

Dog with heavy fungal infection
Left: before treatment, in the middle: after treatment for 2 weeks with kINPen®VET, completely healed picture on the right (2 treatments per week)

Source: Prof. Dr. R. S. Müller, Medizinische Kleintierklinik, LMU München


Chronic wound by diabetes

Cat with Diabetes mellitus mellitus in connection with unsuccessful skin graft
Combined plasma therapy and polyhexanide,
Healing process over 14 weeks (2 treatments per week)

Source: Dr. C. Bender, Kleintierpraxis Karrin & Lubmin

Wound healing disturbance

Camel with Suture dehiscence after surgical removal of a large abscess; Wound healing disturbance; Previous treatment with antibiotics unsuccessful;
Healing process over 12 weeks (2 treatments per week)

Source: Central Veterinary Research Labs, Dubai

Wound healing disturbance

Pigeon with wound healing disturbance due to a quill injury
Almost healed after 3 weeks (2 treatments/week)

Source: Central Veterinary Research Labs, Dubai

Bumble Foot

Pododermatitis, also known as bumble foot, is a mostly bacterial infection and inflammatory reaction to the ball of the foot of birds. In the preliminary stage, you can first see thickening on the underside of the ball of the foot. In the final stage of this disease, the ankle, including the ligaments and tendons can be permanently damaged.

the ball of the foot right on the 1st day, on the 8th and current

the ball of the foot left on the 1st day, on the 8th day and current

Steppe eagle with chronic pododermatitis, 2 treatments/week

Source: Falkenhof Schloss Rosenburg, Riedenburg